9 thoughts on “Turbulence

    1. A simple photograph of my hand with an abstract painting in the background. It was a continuation of a conversation about the black square in the painting ‘The Snail’ by Matisse. What is this direction of travel that we embark on when painting, towards or away from our inspiration, as we make our final descent towards completion? Some painters allow no distraction to enter the work and some wait for it in order to push the work along.
      Ok maybe I should just get some sleep instead of taking photographs in the middle of the night 😌


      1. 21st July 2017

        Dear Noel,

        Thank you very much for your explanation.

        The fabulous sunsets we saw here a few days ago have inspired me to try the find the Joseph Mallord William within me, but, for lack of a few hours to devote to it, I don’t think he is in any danger just yet.

        Keep safe and well,

        Best wishes,


        Liked by 1 person

      2. Lucky for Joseph you didn’t get a full day free! We don’t get sunsets here, just grey skies morning till night so there is no chance of me knocking Mr Turner off his pedestal just yet.


      3. 22nd July 2017

        Dear Noel,

        There used to be some really superb sunsets on the north coast in mid summer.
        I loved hearing the Shackletons flying back in to Ballykelly from the North Sea Patrol.

        I really must try to get my head around this multimedia art.
        It is difficult for someone who slept through History of Art at 07:30 on Saturday mornings.
        Perhaps the Japanese have something with their theories about subliminal learning.

        Keep safe and well,

        Best wishes,


        Liked by 1 person

      4. I never been a fan of the teaching of art history. It’s always out of context. Better to study it through a history class instead.


      5. 2nd August 2017

        Dear Noel,

        I found it helpful, in retrospect, to have been guided towards an understanding of the iconography used by old masters to satisfy their paymasters.
        The codology of how they conveyed their respective points is also interesting – use of young men as a basis for any angelic face and so on.
        The secrecy of illustrating what is assumed to be a guide to where the Hoilly Grail is to be found.

        Courses in this type of field help people to avoid embarking on a pilgrimage of any form from first principles.

        We can’t all develop our own wheel or we would be looking for someone to design better horses to pull the cart that will be designed 3 generations hence.

        Oh, you latched onto F*E*TAYLOR in the gallery of the site I had to abandon because it swallowed all the posts.


        This will give you a gallery of some of his work in Wales.


        Will take you to a gallery where you can see works of Austria, Germany, Italy and Switzerland.

        Keep safe and well,

        Best wishes,


        Liked by 1 person

      6. 4th August 2017

        Dear Noel,

        Yes, it was a very good series of lectures, but the old Toc H lamp could not hold a light to the epidiascope for dullness.
        Some of John Alford’s work can be seen online.
        He was superby encouraging whether he though s pupil had an iota of talent or not.
        At that time, self expression was not overtly fostered.

        I was extremely flattered when I met him again for the first lsy year after 52 years.
        He remembered me – WHY, I keep asking myself.
        Just like life in general really, I keep asking myself why and trying to make sense out of nonsense!

        UNIQUEWALES, my first site fell foul of the bug in the new Beep Beep Boop editor.
        There is only so much time to spend looking for someone else’s mistake.
        After 3 days of working with a very helpful expert, we both came to the conclusion that the bug which has been causing trouble since 2012 is not likely to be fixed anytime soon.
        It was much quicker and easier to abandon it and start again with UNIQUEPAINTINGSOFWALES.

        I did my first computer programming course in 1968 and the whole thing is no clearer now really.

        Keep safe and well,

        Best wishes,



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